
An Inexpensive Way to Look Younger Fast
You don't need injections or plastic surgery to look younger and more attractive. There's a free way to get there. Just spend more time between the sheets.
When people in a study got at least 8 hours of sleep, they were deemed by outward appearances to be healthier folks compared with when their looks were evaluated after a period of little sleep.
Face-Refreshing Sleep
No doubt about it, a lack of sleep will show up on your face. So it's no surprise that when people were kept up for 30 hours in the study, they were perceived as "tired looking." The way sleep affected looks went even deeper, though. After a good night's sleep, the same people not only were deemed healthier looking but also were considered to be more attractive in general -- just based on other people's perceptions of a morning-after photograph. Yup, turns out that the need for "beauty sleep" can never be a lame excuse for leaving a long dinner party early.
Best Face Forward
A lack of sleep isn't bad news for just your looks. It affects the way your brain, endocrine system, and immune system work too. Sleep deficiency can contribute to serious health problems, including high blood pressure and weight gain. Are droopy eyelids, dark circles, and saggy facial expressions broadcasting your sleep battles in the bedroom? If yes, it is now time to do something about it. Rate your sleep with this question. In return, you'll receive dozens of simple strategies for getting the sleep you need.

Fighting Body Odour…

Hey, what's that smell?
No one wants to know that each time they walk around, it will make other people furtively turn up their noses at the whiff of an unpleasant smell. But that's the unfortunate reality for people who suffer from body odour issues. However, don't despair. In most cases, you can do something about this unpleasant body odour.

Does sweat itself smell?
Perspiration is naturally odourless. Remember, sweat doesn't smell but if the skin is moist from sweat, it will create an environment that will allow bacteria to grow and that creates the odour. While sweating is a totally natural process, there are some areas of the body that are more prone to smelly sweat than others. Under the armpits and around the genital areas, for example, are sweat hot-zones because the sweat glands in these areas differ from those on other parts of our bodies. These glands produce protein and oily substances, whereas the sweat formed elsewhere is mostly a combination of water and sodium, which bacteria cannot feed off as easily.

What we can do about it?
If you suffer from body odour and don't know what to do, here are 6 tips to help you overcome the problem:
1)   Body odour disappears after a bath or shower. Be sure to bathe regularly to remove sweat from the surface of the skin. Dr. Solish suggests using an antibacterial soap to minimize the ability of bacteria to sit on the skin, which is what causes the odour.
2)   Exercise regularly. By sweating often (in a controlled situation), you can rid your body of toxins, bacteria and fungi that may be contributing to an overpowering odour.
3)   Use antiperspirant or simply a deodorant
4)   Wash clothing well and often
5)    Be careful of what you eat, expert says. Some people will perspire the smell of the food  they have eaten. “Body odour can be caused by food intake like garlic.
6)    Some people sweat from their feet… L So make sure shoes are not the result of the odour.” Wear your socks only once and then put them to wash. If the problem persists, try placing odour-fighting insoles into your shoes.