Wednesday, March 30, 2011


At times everyone feels blue. We all have days when we do not want to get out of bed or cannot shake the feeling of sadness. Depression, however, goes beyond this.

What is Depression?

Depression is an illness which is common but often misunderstood. It can occur without people realizing that they have it. Many people ignore the signs of depression, and some cope with it by abusing alcohol and/or drugs. Many perceive depression as an illness that carries with it such fear and shame that it prevents them from asking for help. It is not a personal weakness; it is an illness that can be for the most part successfully treated.

What Causes Depression?

No one knows exactly what causes depression. Several factors, alone or combined, may be at work. For some, an obvious stress may bring on depression but for others, depression may occur without an apparent reason. Researchers have also found that some people with depression have a chemical imbalance.

Signs of Depression
Depression can occur without people knowing that they have it. Many people ignore the signs of depression. When a depressed mood persists for several weeks, deepens and eventually starts interfering with work and social life it becomes an illness, or clinical depression.

Some signs of Depression are:

·         Disturbed thinking
·         Feelings of sadness or irritability
·         Loss of interest or pleasure in activates once enjoyed
·         Changes in weight or appetite
·         Changes in sleeping patterns
·         Feelings of guilt, hopelessness or worthlessness
·         Inability to concentrate, remember things or make decisions
·         Fatigue or loss of energy – withdrawal
·         Restlessness or decreased activity noticed by others
·         Complaints or physical aches and pains for which no medical causes can be found
·         Thoughts of suicide or death
·         Feeling overwhelmed
·         Depression, if not treated, can last many months or years

P/S: Always check yourself and people around you for the sign of depression. Get professional help if you sense that you’re feeling abnormal depressed. Prolong depression without treatment can be extremely harmful.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spiritual Health

Where are you in your spiritual life? Take a moment to reflect… Do you feel a sense of worth, hope, purpose, commitment or peace? Do you have a positive outlook on life? Or do you experience feelings of emptiness, anxiety, hopelessness, apathy or conflict? These may be signs of spiritual poverty in your life and may be the reason for unhappiness or dissatisfaction.

Spirituality is unique to each individual. Our spirit usually refers to the deepest part of us, the part that let us make meaning of our world. Our spirit provides us with the revealing sense of who we are, why we are here and what is our purpose for living. It is that innermost part of us that allows gaining strength and hope.

Spiritual wellness is always something that we do not think much of, yet its impact on our life is unavoidable. The basis of spirituality is discovering a sense of meaningfulness in life and coming to know that we have a purpose to fulfil. For some, spirituality may be connected with traditional religions such as Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism. For others, it may mean growing in your personal relationships with others, or through being at peace with nature.

Many wellness behaviours can benefit our spiritual health. Such behaviours include feeling connected with others, feeling as part of a community, volunteering, having an optimistic attitude, contributing to society and our own self with love and care.

Improving Our Spiritual Health

Here are some ways to help improve your spiritual health:
  • Be quiet. Take time for yourself every day, even if it's just the moment before you go to sleep, or when you're driving home.
  • Be open. Spiritual experiences can happen anywhere at any time.
  • Practice being non-judgmental and having an open mind
  • Be receptive to pain or times of sorrow. It is often in these times when we discover how spirituality can help us cope.
  • Practice forgiveness
  • Pray, meditate or worship
  • Live joyfully
  • Allow yourself to believe in things that aren't easily explainable

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Love Unconditionally

When we try too hard to categorize love to make it fit in some “proper” space, it finds other ways to issue forth, tearing away the true fabric of our lives. We cannot force someone to change their emotions for our own benefit. All we will get from that is attempted repression and future resentment. So what I’m saying is: Allow yourself to experience what it is to love someone without all the demands and conditions. Ironically, to love without condition is what all of us says we want but little do we realize the sacrifice that actually entails. Technically it means freeing your love ones to live and love as he or she chooses.
As a couple in loves, we can have a real raw love affair–coming together to dissolve in the molten flow of our love heat. Then together go on to love others especially the needy. Indeed, if you let convention go and love without restriction, you might be very surprised where it takes you in the end. Please enjoy and feel the love. Never tempt to force love...