
What Men Saught for in His Potential Wife??

This was actually written in my magazine, True Wedding in its' debut issue but I want to share with all of you ladies here, especially those single ladies because I know that not everyone have the magazine. If you want that special someone to put a wedding ring on your finger one day... go on and read this.

      There is a little debate that a woman’s physical appearance is a crucial factor in attracting a man. Influenced by his culture’s focus on the female form, a typical man responds to physical clues: a beautiful smile, a narrow waist, shapely calves, silky skin over high cheekbones or others. According to a study in which 350 husbands were asked about their marriages – 55 percent of men acknowledge that they were initially drawn to their future wives by some aspect of her looks. But according to the same study, physical beauty is far from sufficient to bring a man to the altar. Rather, when a man is seeking a long-term relationship (as opposed to a short-term liaison), he tends to look beyond a woman’s physical attributes to a host of less tangible assets, including her attitude, bearing, and character.

Over the past 3 years, while studying this issue, I’ve had the chance to talk face-to-face with a random of 350 guys who are married. And when I examine what personality traits matter most to men, one attribute stands out: positive temperament and attitude. Men measure the attitude of the women they might marry and not surprisingly, they prefer a woman in a generally positive frame of mind. Here are some of my choice answers of what husbands said they noticed first about the personalities of their future wives:
  • “During the party, she was the life of the party. She just generated energy in that gathering.”
  • “I found her so vivacious and alive all the time. I remember saying to myself, I’m going to take that girl out sometime.”
  • “She was very independent, outspoken and enthusiastic. She had this openness and joy.”
  • “I was going through some dark times. All of a sudden, here came this girl. She was bubbly & extraverted. I felt the enthusiasm.”
  • “I look people in the eyes. I looked into her eyes and saw merriment.”
Men emphasize mood as well because they recognize that marrying a woman means being permanently within the sphere of her energy. Indeed, many of the men I spoke with said they spent their childhoods in homes where their mother’s temperament dominated.

If she was angry, bitter or depressed most of the time, others in the house tended to feel that way too. If, on the other hand, she radiated optimism and warmth, that attitude permeated the home. Men acknowledge that it’s unrealistic, and probably unhealthy to expect a woman to be perpetually cheerful. Nonetheless, based on my conversations with scores of husbands, when a man in search of a wife meets a woman who is drawn toward the positive, he tends to be drawn toward her.

Close behind physical beauty and optimism in attracting a man is another personality trait: self-confidence. While some men might be scared off by a woman’s assertiveness, most are looking for a long-term relationship with a strong and competent woman. This emphasis on a woman’s self-confidence was especially prevalent among men who were married in the last thirty years. Modern men want to know: Can she earn a share of the family income? Can she handle herself in the working world?

Do you get my point now?

Why Good Skin Care is Important?

Our skin is our biggest organ, and it's also the one that is most visible. We do not often consider it as an organ, but rather, that’s really what people see when they take a look at us. We also consider it as something that protects our bodies. Skin ages with us, and several do all they can to fight that. Some have problems with acne, and that may be something that shoots the self-esteem down to almost nothing. Though there are no definite answers about what to accomplish about all of these things, good skincare is always a great start.

I remember my own curiosity on skin care product ever since school time when we are teenagers. This was when we learned about our bodies, and perhaps the purpose of excellent skin care was also something that linked to our bodies as it changes. Some think that acne is the result of foods we eat like fats and chocolate, but that is not really the case. (Shhh… I’m a chocoholic! Yes, I admit that. I can eat chocolate all day long) This often happens due to hormones, but good skincare can mean less problems with this skin condition. Acne is generally most prominent on the face, and that is why so many worry about it.

Good skincare always begins with keeping your face clean. Though you may not want to hear it, you need to clean your face at least twice each day to be able to fight off some acne. It won't stop all of it, but it will help. Good skincare, on the other hand, will help with aging. Most in their teen years don't give this much thought, but those who keep their skin clean and use a moisturizer daily will have better skin going through their twenties and thirties. Once you enter your forties, the skin care will probably be more intense, but a fantastic foundation helps all the way up through the decade.

You don't have to spend a fortune for good skin care, but you do must discover the products that work for you. You should know if in case you have oily, dry, or combination skin, and also you even have to think about things like heredity and lifestyle. If in case you have sensitive skin, your products are going to be different than for someone that does not. Take some time to experiment with various kinds of products so that you can find good skincare items that work well for you, and that keep the skin looking fresh and clean. Having great skin is one way you'll be able to really boost your self-esteem.