Thursday, October 24, 2013

Do You Believe in Past Life or Soul Reincarnation??

I'm not sure how would you look at this. It is something out of my normal writing genre but I'm very curious about it. Life, religions, spiritual, meditation, soul... Are those connected to you? To me yes, they are certainly connected. Maybe I am not the right person to write or talk about this but from the events we sometimes encountered in life, some faces that we saw somewhere or things that happened. Not everyone but I believe some of us ever face it. As we called it Deja Vu sometimes. Have you been seeing a face in all the crowd and it takes you so long trying to remember who was that but you can never recall. The worst part of it is when you are so sure you know that person and you have been doing things together over and over again but who is that? We might be thinking about the person all our life but to no clue where we met. (Note: This is not about memory lost person. ) I'm writing about this because of someone I met. It remained jokes to me in the beginning but now I am getting curious about it. Not the stories he told me about me, but about the existence of the whole story. Ready? This is what I want to talk about... The past life, our past life. Do you believe? Our soul lives on but our body live only once. Lifetime after lifetime, the souls just reincarnate and what happen at "the space between lives"? That person told me "Believe me, I know you very dearly somewhere before. Not this lifetime but our past lifetime." I was sceptical with that because I heard a silly one before. The silly one was by a guy who looked familiar to me but I just can't recalled his name. When I asked he said the same "I know you before, from our past life. During primary school!" So hahaha! Ok, my most energetic time in life.

I neither talking about this without reading nor blindly writing about it without reference. I was mesmerized by how true it is. I watched him, I listened to him, I understood or at least trying to understand what he was saying and I believe in it. There's evidence on this. Not saying that I'm going to take you to the journey of past life discovery but there are few that I would share here. Know this name? Dr. Brian Weiss, a well known traditional psychotherapist. Dr. Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when Catherine, the patient began to channel messages from "the space between lives," which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss's family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.

Dr. Weiss is using the method of hypnotize. He is able to bring someone to the process of deep hypnotism to connect with their soul. This is just so mesmerizing to me as how Dr. Weiss able to take someone travel to the journey back to the other lifetime when this person who lives currently is in a state of disconnected with their living soul. Isn't it interesting to know? Dr. Weiss is also conducting seminar on this topic across the United States. According to Dr. Weiss, "In hypnosis, the person is the observer as well as the person being observed. “Your conscious mind is always aware of what you are experiencing while you are hypnotized. Despite the deep subconscious contact, your mind can comment, criticize, and censor. . .  Some people in hypnosis watch the past as if they are observing a movie. . .  In hypnosis, your mind is always aware and observing.  This is why people who may be deeply hypnotized and actively involved in a childhood or past life sequence of memories are able to answer the therapist’s questions, speak their current life language, know the geographical places they are seeing, and even know the year, which usually flashes before their inner eyes or just appears in their minds. The hypnotized mind, always retaining an awareness and knowledge of the present, puts the childhood or past life memories into context."

Here are some questions asked, all answered by Dr. Weiss, I want to share with you:-

Q: How can I go “within” ?
A: I suggest that you learn and practice meditation regularly.  This has helped me a great deal, and now I meditate daily.  After a while, the answers to your questions will come to you, but you must be persistent and patient and not get discouraged.  This is a practice for a lifetime.

Q: Can everyone be hypnotized ?
A: Many people are able to be hypnotized easily and deeply the first time they try hypnosis.  Some need more experience and practice. Unfortunately there is a percentage of the population (up to 15%) that can’t be hypnotized at all.  Sometimes non-hypnotic techniques help those people to retrieve memories.

Q: Why do we reincarnate ?
A: I think everybody reincarnates because we have many lessons to learn, lessons about love, compassion, charity, nonviolence, inner peace, patience, etc. It would be hard to learn them all in only one life. Also, some people come back voluntarily to help others.

Q: Do all souls reincarnate ?
A: I think that sometimes you have to come back. If your learning is not finished, you find yourself being born into another lifetime. There may be some choices involved, however, but apparently there are limits to the choices. Highly evolved souls do not have to come back but often choose to reincarnate to help as teachers.

Q: Can there still be communication with a loved one if that soul has reincarnated?
A: Souls can reincarnate and often do, but their spirit also remains “available” in the spiritual world. Our soul is far greater than our physical body; it’s not limited by our constructs of space and time.

Q: Can souls “split” ?
A: In rare circumstances a soul can split and have more than one experience at the same time in order to increase its learning opportunities.

Q: Is there a difference in the evolution of the soul and that of the body?
A: I think that there are at least two lines of evolution.  The evolution of the soul is different from the evolution of the physical body.  At which exact time souls entered bodies for the first time I’m not exactly sure.  But it is important to remember that these evolutionary lines are separate and distinct.

Q: Tell Us about your past life..
A: The first time I remembered was during an acupressure massage for an old neck injury that was flaring up. At that point, Many Lives… had been written, but wasn't published yet.
         And I wasn't telling a soul. I was afraid for my reputation and career. So I mentioned nothing to the therapist. I would go into this very relaxed, almost meditative state, and during the third or fourth one-hour session I saw this image.
          It was me, taller, thin, wearing a multi-coloured robe, standing in a large geometric shaped building. I knew I was a priest of some sort, very powerful, with the ear of the royal family. I had some psychic abilities in that life, too. And I was misusing it to gain more power, sex, greed, things like that. It was a very good life! Very easy, but wasted. The word "ziggurat" kept ringing in my head. I had no conscious memory of ever coming across that word. It doesn't prove that I didn't, in college or something, but I didn't remember it. I didn't say anything to the therapist, went home and looked up ziggurat. It's a word for architectural structures, temples of the Babylonian era, like the hanging gardens of Babylon.
         I had another experience years later. I had this dream of being imprisoned in a European dungeon, my arm chained to the wall. I was being tortured for teaching about my religious beliefs, which included reincarnation. And I died there. I became aware, as I died, of a message: "When you had the chance to teach it, you did not." I knew that was referring back to that episode with the ziggurat. "When you didn't have the chance, you did." 
         And I knew that meant that I should have taught about love. I didn't have to teach about reincarnation and get killed for it. I went too far. The implication was: "Now you can have both. You have the chance, and you can teach about it." It's as if those two were the important past lives.

Dr. Weiss wrote few books which are top sellers and of course worth reading. He is working closely with his daughter Amy Weiss on their books. There are few that I would love to share the little details with all of you.

Book 1: Miracles Happen : The Transformational Healing Power of Past Life Memories
In their revolutionary book, Miracles Happen, Dr. Weiss, and his daughter, Amy, examine the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that is possible when you freely accept and embrace the reality of reincarnation. A leader in the field of past-life therapy, Dr. Weiss has helped thousands connect with their past lives and experience tremendous healing. In Miracles Happen, he and Amy share these remarkable real-life stories to reveal how past-life regression holds the keys to our spiritual purpose.

The awareness that we have multiple lifetimes, separated by spiritual interludes on the other side, helps to dissolve the fear of death and bring more peace and joy into the present moment. And in Miracles Happen, personal stories, accompanied by Dr. Weiss’s inspiring teachings, reveal how getting in touch with our past lives can profoundly and permanently heal mind and body. In the end, we come away inspired, renewed, and assured of the truth that we are eternal beings who are free to heal our current wounds by better understanding our past. It’s a practice that helps us improve our current lives, evolve along our spiritual paths, and live each day with purpose.

Book 2: Many Lives, Many Masters
As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks.

His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from “the space between lives,” which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss’s family and his dead son.
Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.

Book 3 : Only Love Is Real
With Only Love Is Real, Dr. Weiss takes his research one breathtaking step further. He portrays two strangers unaware that they have been lovers throughout the long centuries, until they are brought together again.

He shows how each and every one of us has a soulmate whom we have loved in past incarnations and who waits to reunite with us now. And he opens up entirely new worlds for all of us everywhere, based on a single, powerful truth….

Book 4: Same Soul, Many Bodies
We all have lived past lives. We all will live future ones. What we do in this life will influence our lives to come as we evolve toward immortality. Dr. Weiss encourages this important recognition because recently he has not only regressed his patients into the past, but has progressed them into the future. And what they have discovered is that our futures are variable, so the choices we make now will determine the quality of life when we return.

That is some brief about the work of Dr. Brian Weiss in helping some people finding who they were, what life they lived before and self discoveries. As Catherine, one of his patients case was portrayed in his book Many Lives, Many Masters, she was "Aronda" in her previous lifetime. The year flashes to her, and she found herself building a pyramid in ancient Egypt in 1900 B.C.

The awareness that we have multiple lifetimes, separated by spiritual interludes on the other side, helps to dissolve the fear of death and bring more peace and joy into the present moment. And in Miracles Happen, personal stories, accompanied by Dr. Weiss’s inspiring teachings, reveal how getting in touch with our past lives can profoundly and permanently heal mind and body. In the end, we come away inspired, renewed, and assured of the truth that we are eternal beings who are free to heal our current wounds by better understanding our past. It’s a practice that helps us improve our current lives, evolve along our spiritual paths, and live each day with purpose.

Do you ever wonder about your past life? If never, will you now? I started to be really curious, if I do have one, I wish to know who was I? What kind of lives I ever lived? And how many lifetime will I ever able to find for myself. If one day I will found it, I will share it here.

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